Modern Art

Magic Eye's Dolphins Playing Poker and Walrus at the Opera with Topologists in their Natural Habitat (Jan 07)

Dolphins Playing Poker Topologists in their Natural Habitat Walrus at the Opera

For the first time since my campaign began, someone removed some of my notices.  To be fair to them, the notices were descriptions of the blank wall space where a painting wasn't.  However, after the demise of Null and Void I am pleased to announce that the paintings which have subsequently filled the spaces, while marginally better than the wall itself, are not exactly masterpieces.  Enter me...

Descriptions cut to size on the roof of the Maths Department

It was the work of minutes to put together my next set of descriptions, and the idea to do the sizing and cutting on the roof of the maths block was inspired.  I decided to go with a Magic Eye theme, since the paintings were reasonable in their own way, but gave the impression of a computer desktop background pattern as opposed to a gallery hanging.  I thought making people think there was some reason for standing nose-to-painting would be quite amusing.  Let's hope it results in some photographic evidence of gullibility in the near future.  

Dolphins Playing Poker Dolphins Playing Poker notice
Walrus at the Opera Walrus at the Opera notice
Topologists in their Natural Habitat Topologists in their Natural Habitat notice

February 07 update: On my fairly regular check-ups, I noticed that Warwick have not only removed my notices, but have actually physically removed the notice-holders from the walls, only to be replaced by (again, blank) holders of a much more convenient A4 shape and size.  It was the work of a moment (well, a couple of days - open days make the Maths Department a bit busy at the moment) to reinstate my notices.  I don't claim that they are an accurate description, but in my humble opinion, they're better than nothing.  So until Warwick actually think of something to write about these artworks, my description is all anyone will see:
New, sabotage-friendly sized notice-holders

This most recent opportunity finally afforded me some video footage of the process (I think it's all the more amusing for the fact that should anybody bother to google the issue they would find pages of indisputable evidence that it was me): Modern Art Video (12 Mb wmv)

Null and Void Palindrome Shade
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